Über uns

Jeden Tag arbeiten 500 Ingenieure zusammen und entwickeln Innovationen, um Einfachheit, Sicherheit und Ruhe in Ihr tägliches Leben zu bringen. Durch die Einführung leiser und vernetzter Motoren, mobiler Apps zur einfachen Verwaltung Ihres Zuhauses und intelligenter Lösungen, die kommunizieren können.

sicher miteinander erfinden unsere Teams das Zuhause von morgen. Dank dieser grundlegenden Arbeit und den mehr als 2.000 von unserem Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum bereits angemeldeten Patenten kann Somfy Ihnen Effizienz garantieren.

Our range of products complements and combines with each other to create customizable and scalable solutions that can be used with other brands and home equipment players. Find out more about So Open with Somfy and all our partners!

All our products are designed in Haute-Savoie by teams trained in the latest technologies. To guarantee their quality, performance, and longevity, we perform regular testing and inspections according to a rigorous process.

We act for green

We strive to improve all living conditions, to ensure they are safer and more comfortable, and more environmentally-friendly.

1. We act in favor of more efficient buildings, and for the wellbeing of their inhabitants. We take into account the environmental impact of our solutions.

2. We act in favor of eco-designed products. Every day, the main concern of all our teams is for a greener and more sustainable environment worldwide.